Who We Are

We are a competitive non-USASF All-Star Cheer facility located in Anderson, SC. Our highly-qualified staff have over 50 years of combined experience in the areas of All-Star, High School and College Cheer, tumbling, stunting, and choreography.

Why We Exist



A strong person is someone who raises others up instead of tearing them down. This quality is rare in today’s world and even more rare in the current All-Star Cheer culture. It is a quality that must be taught, practiced, and reinforced; and it starts with our children. At Firegem Cheer Academy, we empower our athletes to build up those around them as they become strong adults.


Firegem Cheer Academy is a home-away-from-home, a safe-haven, for our athletes. It’s a place where everyone is welcome, no one is turned away, everyone is equally appreciated, and differences are embraced and celebrated. We endeavor to impact the next generation not only in cheer, but also in life, teaching them to always remain others-focused.


We’ve all heard the old adage “respect is earned, not given.” We believe that is wrong. Showing respect to another is more a reflection of who you are as a person than a reflection of anything that person has or hasn’t earned. At Firegem Cheer Academy, we reward our athletes for maintaining their integrity and showing respect in all circumstances, whether they win or lose.